Arrive in Style: Should Youth Players Dress Formally to Games?

Arrive in Style: Should Youth Players Dress Formally to Games?

We’ve all seen our favorite NHL players wearing nice, tailored suits before the start of each game. Most NHL teams have a formal dress code for players before and after games. Why? There is a belief that dressing in a formal suit instills a sense of professionalism outside of the rink. While that might be true, does it make sense to force our children to dress in formal wear before a minor hockey game? This article will examine the concept of arriving at a hockey game in style and whether or not it is a necessary part of minor hockey.

Why Do NHL Players Wear Suits?

For as long as hockey fans can remember, NHL players have worn suits and formal wear before games. Indeed this tradition has its roots in the professionalism of being an NHL hockey player. If you want to play in the best league in the world, there are certain rules you need to follow.

Is it necessary? Probably not. Part of it feels like something that is done because “this is always how we’ve done it”. Not surprisingly, there is a lot of this mentality in the game of hockey. Other leagues like the NBA and NFL don’t have as strict dress code policies in place and their players are spotted in everything from high fashion to regular denim jeans. As a fan of the game, do you have a preference for what NHL players wear off the ice?

On the other hand, it does make sense that professional hockey players should try to look professional. It sets a good precedence for younger players and instills that sense of professionalism and respect for the team at an early age. There is a bit of militaristic discipline with wearing suits before the game. It’s not quite a uniform but it is the formal version of wearing a team jersey. Look the same, so that no one player is more important than the team.

Should Youth Dress Formally Before Games?

It’s an interesting question. As parents, we know how difficult it is to get our kids ready for hockey games, let alone dress them up in a suit. For most kids, suits are hot and uncomfortable and not exactly what they would want to throw on before heading to the rink. Not to mention how cumbersome it can be to change out of it to put all of their gear on and then put it on again after the game is over.

One thing that gets overlooked with a formal dress code is the cost. We understand that hockey is an expensive game to play as it is. With season fees, equipment, and tournaments, it’s not cheap to put your kids through a season of hockey. On top of that, there is a strong push to make hockey more accessible to lower-income families. Hockey has always been a sport dominated by middle-class and wealthier households. Now that we are providing cheaper equipment and fees, does it make sense to make lower-income households buy a suit for each child?

Ultimately, the decision for a team dress code comes down to the coach of the team. Does he or she want to instill that professionalism from a young age? Or are they okay with letting kids be kids? We’ve seen coaches that allow the parents to vote on a team dress code as well. As long as everyone is on the same page, then that’s all that matters.

Do Female Hockey Players Have a Dress Code?

Another issue is the formal dress code for female youth players. There has been a major surge in the popularity of girl’s hockey in recent years. While it is incredible that these walls are being broken down, it does create some awkwardness around the unwritten rules of hockey. Many of them have been created with only boys or men in mind.

For co-ed teams, most coaches do not implement a formal dress code. Usually, all of the kids will have matching tracksuits or athletic gear they can wear. If the boys had to wear suits, would the coach make the girls wear a dress? Or a suit as well? These situations could get a bit sticky so it’s best to avoid them by just implementing something that the whole team can follow.

But what about all-girls teams? Should they play by the same unwritten rules that boys do in minor hockey? The general consensus seems to be that as long as the team matches each other, it doesn’t matter what they wear before a game.

Arriving in Style: Is Formal Hockey Dress Code Outdated?

For the NHL, a formal dress code for players makes sense. These are professionals and they should look and feel professional. Dressing professionally also makes a great impression on kids and truly makes them look like pro hockey players.

But for kids, it’s not as cut and dry. In 2024, it does seem a bit outdated. Forcing kids as young as six or seven to wear full suits before a game seems old-fashioned. Some feel it’s uncomfortable and not to mention expensive for families already struggling to pay for a season of hockey.

If you are a team representing a school or a hockey academy, then things may be different. Most private schools already have a dress code in place so having the athletes dress formally before a game is logical.

For most youth players, it may be a little unnecessary….It may just be time to let kids be kids.

Tim Turk Hockey