Hockey Drill – Multiple Shots and Elements

Hockey Drill – Multiple Shots and Elements

Multiple Shots & Elements Drill – D Retrieve a spotted Puck. On the whistle, the forward (blue) leaves with a puck and skates towards the D (red) letting the D come up and then pivots to backwwards. The forward passes…

Coaching your Own Child in Minor Hockey

Coaching your Own Child in Minor Hockey

Coaching Your Own Child in Minor Hockey: Pros and Cons Minor hockey is an exciting sport not only for the children playing but also for the parents of the players. Fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters can all be part of…

Hockey Equipment Costs Today

Hockey Equipment Costs Today

Hockey has always been a difficult sport to get involved with thanks to the high costs of equipment and barriers to league registrations. When compared with something like soccer or basketball, where the most important items are a ball and…

What’s New in the World Of Hockey?

What’s New in the World Of Hockey?

Hockey is a sport that’s always evolving. Hockey players are constantly skating faster and shooting harder—they’re always pushing the boundary of human physical limits. Even minor hockey teams of all ages in 2020 are vastly outperforming the same age groups…

Hockey Training During Quarantine

Hockey Training During Quarantine

What You Can Do Now to Be Ready for When You Hit the Ice! Right now, June 2020, the world in many places is still on pause. Unfortunately, hockey is no exception. Lately, hockey players and fans alike have been…

Choosing the Right Hockey Stick

Choosing the Right Hockey Stick

In my opinion, a players’ hockey stick should be viewed as an extension of their body. Players, especially at the professional level, can be very ‘picky’ as they should be since everyone has specific personal preferences. It is after all,…

Watch and Learn – How Observation can Improve your Game

Watch and Learn – How Observation can Improve your Game

Improving at hockey takes a tremendous amount of physical effort. Players push themselves during games and practices every week, performing the same grueling drills over and over to try to develop their skills. The most elite players exercise at home…

How Hockey Players Can Stay Sharp Amidst the COVID Crisis

How Hockey Players Can Stay Sharp Amidst the COVID Crisis

Industries across the world have been hit hard by the effects of the worldwide COVID outbreak, and sports are no exception. All major and minor sports leagues in North America have suspended play and are uncertain as to when we…

Tim Turk Hockey