
The importance of Multitasking in Hockey

The importance of Multitasking in Hockey

Multitasking. It’s a difficult skill to acquire. Ever try to listen to a podcast while you’re doing something else, say, mowing the lawn? Either you pay attention to the podcast and you end up mowing over the same spot 3…

Private vs Group Hockey Training

Private vs Group Hockey Training

It’s time to visit an age-old question in the sport of hockey. Which is better, private training or group training? Some people say private training is always the best choice because the instructor is focused solely on you, with no…

5 Things Players need from their Coach

5 Things Players need from their Coach

Coaching is a difficult and equally important job. A coach’s role is mainly to teach their student the fundamentals of whatever sport they’re learning, but a top-notch coach needs to impact their players’ lives in other ways, too. A coach…

How to Increase Confidence in your Minor Hockey Players

How to Increase Confidence in your Minor Hockey Players

When it comes to sports, skill is important, but it is not he only thing that matters in performance. Even the most skilled players will make mistakes and experience adversity, so it is important for them to remain confident about…

Get your Hockey Team Dialed In and Focused!

Get your Hockey Team Dialed In and Focused!

Lack of focus on a hockey team can be a big problem for coaches. It happens at all ages and skill levels too—-it’s not just the younger ones that fool around and chit-chat! As a coach, you want your team…

Effective Communication for Team Success

Effective Communication for Team Success

Imagine taking part in a team sport without any communication whatsoever. No direction from the coaches, no talking amongst players, and no game plan whatsoever. That’s a recipe for disaster, and hockey is no exception. The greatest hockey teams have…

Preparing for a Successful Hockey Practice

Preparing for a Successful Hockey Practice

There are two main factors that contribute to the success of a hockey team. The first is the players. Each player on the team needs to be focused, dedicated, and willing to do what it takes to bring home wins….

5 Habits of a Successful Minor Hockey Coach

5 Habits of a Successful Minor Hockey Coach

People decide to become hockey coaches for a variety of reasons. Some are fresh out of a playing career and want to stay immersed in the sport. Some are parents who want to become more involved in their child’s hobby….

Tim Turk Hockey